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Meet the Team

Team Work Makes The Dream Work

What really makes Revtech great is our committed and professional team. In this section, we’re excited to introduce the people working behind the scenes to make your experience with us the best it can be.


Madjone Engelbrecht


Madjone Engelbrecht acquired the business from Unix Electrical in August 2020, with a proud 20-year history in the industry.  

Madjone is driven and strongly believes in the future success of Revtech Electrical to be the largest motor parts supplier in South Africa.

With her passion and belief in the Revtech Electrical team to supply quality parts and customer service excellence, the continued success of Revtech Electrical is guaranteed.


Lemuel Jordaan

Head Sales Representative

Lemuel Jordaan brings a delightful personality, amazing professional experience, and drive for success every day to Revtech. Lemuel joined the Revtech team in August 2019.

Designated areas of work include:

  • Eastern Cape

  • Gauteng

  • Free State

  • North West

  • Mpumalanga

Lemuel is an excellent communicator and excels face to face with clients to ensure customer service excellence.  

Lemuel's motto in life: “If life gives you lemons, sell it...”

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Carol Crause

Accounts Manager

We’re so lucky to have such a wonderful Accounts Manager as part of our growing team. When Carol joined us in February 2021, we knew we made a terrific staffing decision, and we haven’t been disappointed since.

Carol is friendly and assists with any queries clients have in a timely and efficient manner. 

Carol's motto in life: "Do on to others as you would want yourself."

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Lewyllen Nortier

Sales Representative

Lewyllen joined the Revtech Electrical team in May 2021. Lewyllen is motivated and strongly believes in the value of hard work and delivering service excellence to customers.

Designated areas of work include:

  • Limpopo

  • Kwazulu - Natal

  • Northern Cape

  • Western Cape

  • Mpumalanga

Lewyllen's motto in life: "If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."

Team: Meet the Team
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